The Extra Mile Award
For Women in Saskatchewan’s Agriculture Industry
AgriBiz has a long history of volunteering in our home community and serving on agricultural boards and committees. We value the opportunity to give back and foster a better future for coming generations and we take every opportunity to promote the thriving food industry in our province. In celebration of more than 25 years serving the food and farming industries, we are teaming up with the Saskatchewan Women in Ag and offering The Extra Mile Award to women in the agriculture industry who have made note-worthy contributions to their communities while inspiring support for Saskatchewan’s agriculture and food systems.
This annual award will recognize a female individual each year who has gone ‘the extra mile’ in the following areas:
2019 Extra Mile Award
Events and Initiatives
2018 Extra Mile Award
Mentorship and Leadership

It was our pleasure to present 2019’s The Extra Mile Award to Mrs. Jennifer Lindgren. Jenn is the epitome of a hardworking prairie girl and who goes the extra mile in everything she is involved in. A lifelong farmer, devoted mom, active community member and wonderful agvocate she strives to represent the whole industry. In 2018, she spearheaded a ‘Food Farm’ program with the local elementary school, where she brings children out to their farm in spring and fall to teach them about seeding, harvest, livestock, farm safety and other farm components using demonstration stations for each of these important topics. She is a leader in the local 4-H club and co-founder of the Farmer’s Filthy 5K fun run and fundraiser and her and her husband were Saskatchewan’s Outstanding Young Farmers in 2018.
Jennifer presented the $1,000 donation to Town of Norquay to replace the score clock in their skating rink.

Alanna Koch has worked in agriculture for most of her life, both as a farmer and in the public sector. She is one of the longest serving Agriculture Deputy Ministers in Saskatchewan and Canadian history and a founding board member of the Global Institute for Food Security. Alanna has mentored women from farmers to agribusiness professionals, and youth from post-secondary to early career stages. Her leadership, promotion of science-based decision making, and communication of the benefits of utilizing modern tools, methodologies and technologies have helped make public trust in agriculture a national priority. She is a trailblazer and has paved the way for women in agriculture in our province and our country.
Alanna Koch directed the donation to the Edenwold First Responders in her home community. The funds contributed toward the purchase of a much-needed new vehicle and 911 response equipment.
2020 will long be regarded as a year like no other and a true test of flexibility and resilience. Despite the uncertainty and disruptions, Saskatchewan farmers continued to produce food for the nation and beyond. AgriBiz remains especially impressed by all of the hard-working and community-focused women in the agricultural industry. We are proud to partner with the Saskatchewan Women in Ag to sponsor The Extra Mile Award at their annual conference and will defer the nomination process and award announcement until the CONNECT: The Heart of the Farm resumes.
All nominee’s efforts will have had a positive impact on their communities and played a measurable part in inspiring support for the agriculture industry and fostering conversations about the food we grow.
Award Value: $1000 PER YEAR
The award will be donated to a registered charity or community initiative of the winner’s choosing.
Award Criteria
- Nominations are open to all women who are involved in the Saskatchewan agriculture industry.
- Nominations must be received by the AgriBiz Communications Corp. office by September 30th each year.
- Nominees must be a resident of Saskatchewan.
- You may nominate more than one individual.
- Nominations will be accepted from anyone, including the Women in Ag Board.
- Current Women in Ag board members are not eligible for nomination.
- A panel of three will select the winner.
Please submit nominations to:
AgriBiz Communication Corp.
BAY 6A – 3602 Taylor Street East
Saskatoon, SK S7H 5H9
FAX: 306-244-4497
ATTENTION: Extra Mile Award
For more information please contact us.